Welcome to our site! We hope you find our memes to your liking…. If you like this site or get anything out of it, we’ll be posting some subscription options and heaps of cool stuff coming up soon so keep checking back and most of all, give this site a share or even just share […]

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Metallica are the biggest Heavy metal band of all time, and definitely one of the biggest bands period. Within the band are some unique personalities and fuel for memes! So enjoy! For more great memes posted all the time keep checking back on The Meme Dump on a regular Basis!

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Parenting is not an easy calling in life. I know I’m a parent too. But kids do and say some funny stuff and sometimes thats what we have to hold to in life. With that in mind sit back and have a laugh at some memes dedicated to all the dedicated parents out there! For […]

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